Time & Place: Monday October 7 at 13-15 in lecture hall B1.
Guest lecturer: Kristina Lundgren, Senior Lecturer and associate professor in journalism at Södertörn University.
Title: What is news? From neighbour's gossip to Ten O'Clock News and then...?
Talk: I will give a short background to the concept of news through times of changing societies, from local to global needs of knowing what's happening. What have been the driving forces to new meanings of an activity as old as mankind is? High ideals, money or pure curiosity? For whom? By whom? To the benefit of what?
About: Kristina's main area of research is the history of journalism, focusing on how the journalistic profession and the journalistic text has evolved and changed in constant interaction with society and culture. After fifteen years as a professional journalist and editor, I have worked as a teacher and researcher at JMK, Stockholm University where I defended my thesis on women journalists in the interwar period, and thereafter at the Cutlure and Science Journalism program at the University of Umeå. I have worked at Södertörn University for the past few years.
- Schudson, (2011), "The sociology of news". Please read chapter 4, "Where news came from".
- Schudson, (2011), "The sociology of news". Please read chapter 5, "In recent memory".
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